Drink of the Week. As promised. I actually had this one ready for last week and then got busy with work, and depressed about Paris, so I just sat on it. Not literally sat on it, but you knew that, didn't you. I had made some margaritas and posted a photo on flickr and then one of my favorite flickr friends, hannah (haeshu) emailed me this amazing recipe, that had been passed on to her.
2 cups lime juice (about 10 -12) limes
4 cups pink grapefruit juice (trust me)
1 cup sugar
2 cups tequila
3/4 cup grand marnier (i use cointreau sometimes, too)
mix together until sugar is dissolved. it's good on the rocks or slightly blended.
She assured me that although grapefruit juice might sound strange, it is delicious. She was right!
So I took myself to the grocery store that afternoon. Bought myself some ruby red grapefruits (because i was convinced fresh squeezed would make it even better), came home and squeezed my little heart out.
Problem number one . . . 3 grapefruits yielded about 3 oz of juice, which left me about 3 1/3 cups short. I improvised. Fortunately I didn't have a "big group" coming over (just Andrew and my brother). So here's what I did (At least I think it is what I did - - I was still in too much of a haze from my Paris ails that I forgot to write it down- - I am now literally sitting here staring at a glass pyrex measuring cup trying to envision which line the lime juice went to)
3 oz Grapefruit juice (fresh squeezed if you are up for it)
4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice (cause it's easier than waiting for sugar to dissolve, or making a simple syrup)
2 oz Tequila
1 oz Grand Marnier (or Cointreau)
Shake with ice, pour into a glass with a salted rim (use good salt, even if they say they don't like salt, it's a margarita for christ's sake) over ice. enjoy
One last thing. I can't come up with a name. I don't want anything "grey" or "ruby." I just want something catchy and fun. Any ideas?